Each One Of Us Is A Perfect, Unique Energy Force

Each One Of Us Is A Perfect, Unique Energy Force | Where will your intention and awareness take you? | Donald Stevens | Olorin Coaching

Each One Of Us Is A Perfect, Unique Energy Force | Where will your intention and awareness take you? | Donald Stevens | Olorin Coaching

Mojo is, that positive spirit toward what we are doing now, that starts from the inside and radiates to the outside
— Marshall Goldsmith


Neuroscientists can map the electrochemical energy flow in the brain. While electrochemical energy is used to initiate action, each of your thoughts, emotional responses, and subsequent behaviors also generate a reaction, or energetic consequence. Practitioners in the field of positive psychology have found that if you can become aware, or conscious, of the basis for your thoughts and emotional reactions and purposefully shift your perspective to a more optimistic stance, you can transform the energy that is generated and redirect its flow. By doing so, you open yourself to increased opportunities to learn and grow. 

All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. Resonance is a type of motion, characterized by oscillation between two states. And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields. As such, at every scale, all of nature vibrates.

Something interesting happens when different vibrating things come together: They will often start, after a little while, to vibrate together at the same frequency. They “sync up,” sometimes in ways that can seem mysterious. This is described as the phenomenon of spontaneous self-organization.


There are three components to managing your energy:

1. Alignment

Empowered by awareness and acceptance, creating choice. Knowing what your goals are creates clarity that keeps your energy high. You are driven by your values, yet those values may not reflect what you really want out of life. They may only be the things you were taught that you want. When things are going well, your conscious values are being honored. When things are not going well, a conscious value or more than one conscious value is being challenged.

2. Growth Mindset

As researched by Carol Dweck, with a growth mindset, you believe you have basic qualities and characteristics. You differ from others in regards to your inherent talents, aptitudes, interests and disposition, but with a growth mindset, you believe that you can change and grow.

3. Grit

As researched by Angela Duckworth, the passion and perseverance to achieve long-term and meaningful goals, conjuring resilience. There are four psychological assets you develop, in a particular order, to summon grit:

  • Interest is about enjoying what you do. We all have aspects of our work that we don't enjoy. When you have grit, you can see your work as the whole of many parts and find it meaningful and interesting. With grit, you love what you do and distinguish between “need” and “want”.

  • Practice is about perseverance and the daily self-control to do something better than you did it yesterday. With grit, you strive for mastery through regular and sustained practice. You identify your areas of weakness and work to improve them. There is no room for complacency. Practice is about devotion to improvement and embracing challenges. Adventure in learning is the goal, not the outcome.

  • Purpose is what matures passion. Purpose is the belief that your work matters not just for you, but for others. Without having a purpose, any interest will be difficult to sustain. You transcend your ego and come to see we are all connected.

  • Hope is not the last stage of grit but it is in every stage of grit. You are able to keep going and face your doubts and demons. You can name your blocking energy. You’ll get knocked down but won’t stay down. You believe you are enough and more.

By expanding your thinking and controlling your emotions, you make more constructive choices and take more effective steps toward whatever goals you’ve set out to accomplish. Inherently, energy is a mindset that is very personal and individually driven. However, your energy is key to your engagement, productivity and ultimately your happiness at work and in life. Operating from a place of growth means you believe there is always a way to grow and that you own your destiny. Like energy attracts like energy and you attract and create your own personal world.


Everyone wants abundance in life. Living an abundant life begins with believing in and focusing on an abundant world. Whatever you put your attention to will expand. If you focus on lack, failing relationships, not finding work, or not having enough money, you’ll live those realities. When you allow your light to shine, you become a beacon for others to embrace. Your light will shine brightest when managing energy over time.

In fact, you can cultivate positive energy by learning to change the stories you tell yourself about the events and work of your life. We all possess this Fire Forged superpower inspiring our inner champion. As you connect with your authentic self more purposefully, you’ll discover you can manifest the life of your choosing by sharing energy with the universe that you would like returned in kind. Unleashing your inner champion bestows many gifts upon you, among them, the gift of time. That’s your success frequency!


In my own coaching practice, clients are invited to explore their energy, defined in physics as the capacity to work, originating from six (6) main dimensions of our consciousness: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social and environmental. Your energetic profile is what defines and fuels your Secret Fire. For each dimension, energy can be systematically expanded and regularly renewed by establishing specific rituals — your unique success formula. When intentionally practiced your energetic response increasingly becomes your default, aligned with your conscious values, empowering you to live at choice.


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